
The Wrocer leaves for Solo adventures

The Wrocer decided to travel alone for a while in Space and Time. He traveled to Wizardoa Home world of The Wizardoan's. Wizardoa is where all the types of men that would meet any criteria of wizard. The Wrocer traveled to Jedilania home world of The Jedilanians a people that lived in a spectral like form. He went to Nirinia the home world of The Nirinian's a race of Humanoid tigers. That was in the Plitoma Galaxy. He traveled to Bearidia home world of a human looking race of Men the Bearidian's on Bearidia have two roles for Men Dominant meaning They would be the one to get their partner pregnant, and The submissive man the Men that would give birth to their dominant partners kid's. He traveled to Earth occasionally to help with matter's concerning extraterrestrial and Scientific inquiry at M.A. Defense.

The Michaeler Flies away in his Courgist

The Michaeler after the fallout of the truth about what he is and Everything he's lied about being exposed, and the Myerian invasion failing. He left Earth in his Courgist to The planet Doctoria the home world of The Doctorian's in the Silkowla star system in the Aries Constellation. On the planet Doctoria they live life similar to Jedi and Vulcan's. The Michaeler said," The Wrocer and Brimon, I feel will be the best of friends. Onwards to the planet Doctoria."  Carigan Luvseth transformed the M.A. building into what she believes it can be even being the new leader of the organization. The Wrocer and Brimon cared for each other for four years even developed a relationship romantically and then Brimon left to go take the fight to the Myerian's. The Wrocer got that call he'd been expecting to get, gave them the information and he was given the job of scientific adviser for M.A. defense.

Confronting The Myerian's and Saving Earth

The Wrocer had to be quick, running through the M A. Building to the sixty fourth floor. Out of his pocket he gets his cruising Scanner to first Communicate with the Myerian's. Ghansitric Fyeir was just getting back from the latest rampage in Algeria. The Wrocer stated," Ghansitric Fyeir, I offer you this one chance. Call off the conquest of Earth or else." Ghansitric Fyeir walked to The Wrocer and got his Laser sword out to split The Wrocer in Two. The Wrocer looked on Ghansitric Fyeir with a you know I really didn't want to do this. He said," You chose this." He points his Cruising Scanner to the M.A. bridge technology, pressed the button on the handle of his Cruising Scanner, the small bulb glows white. The Wrocer dove down behind the desk in the room as The Myerian's Gateway portals force them back home.  The Wrocer said,"Now I have to meet Carigan Luvseth, give her my ship number, I have to travel to a year from now."  He remembered Brimon...

The Ainual remember Track

The Ainual remember Track is a celebration in the Gemini constellation of the anniversary of the end of The Nightmare Cascade rain pandemic. Where everybody would gather around a big crystal, sit down, and tell Each other's experiences all being viewed by the people of the world's in the Gemini constellation. The Multitime Lord students are taken there for initiations and to meet the event coordinator for meaningful guidance. The Wrocer often looked for answer's to things he didn't know about. The Michaeler would ask what was best to do in-between classes. The Sallyanne she would ask for what a good thing to drink is.  The Ainual remember Track also after the four day sit down and four nights of events viewing, they'd embark on a four day and four night running marathon. 

Carigan Luvseth Explores The interior of The Wrocer's Courgist

While in The Wrocer's Courgist Carigan Luvseth explored the interior of his home. Walking through the corridors of The Wrocer's Courgist saying," He has a library, a game room, a living room, a Bedroom, and an engine room. Obviously The Wrocer has A Control console room and he has a makeout room with a sign on it that said'only enter if it's essential' " While on The way Back to Earth Carigan asked The Wrocer," Okay so, why do you have a makeout room? The other rooms make sense. You are an alien do you even have a girlfriend or a Boyfriend? Do you even have a need for one?" The Wrocer said,"I'm a Multitime Lord. I walk in Infinity. I just love the concept. The room is where I had practiced makeout rituals of you all humans. Before you ask 'where did you witness human makeout rituals?' I observed all kinds of pairings and I only thought about how fun it would be to practice them."  Carigan Luvseth said," Your race isn...

The Chaos in the Streets

Chaos was going on in the streets, cars slashed in half from Myerian laser sword's, Myerian's rampaging big area's globally, while Carigan Luvseth was showing The Wrocer around The M.A. building The Myerian leader Ghansitric Fyeir said through the M.A. bridge technology ," Citizens of Planet Earth, be proud of being our new Prey. Some of you might be putting in the forest's to be hunted down for sport, other's will be made science experiments, and your pets will be food for our children." The Michaeler after his sentence was over spent some time on the planet Myeria where he got acquintaintance with the people of Myeria. Even gave him a Beoric servant named Brimon after a year on their planet.  The Wrocer and Carigan while on the planet Myeria, the people back on Earth witnessed the first few days of life on Earth under Myerian control. After The Wrocer met The Michaeler again telling him about everything he's been up to and The Michaeler making it ver...

The Wrocer and The Michaeler Meet Again

The Wrocer and Carigan Luvseth in The Wrocer's Courgist traveled back to Earth in 2004 on March 8th to add to the data in the transmission. After that Carigan Luvseth told him," I still believe in the idea of M.A. so I'm going to take over the company. Add to the mission statement protecting the planet, and I could use a scientific adviser." The Wrocer said," Alright I'm down for that. Now I have an invasion to stop. Wish me luck."  The Michaeler exited his Courgist he had parked in the M.A. building. Turning on the news Of the day he watches Wolfe News to see a breaking story about him. The Wrocer in his plaid jeans, teal shirt, Black denim jacket, and gray boots said," You have come a long way from my friend to being a frenemy. What do The Myerian's want with Earth?" The Michaeler responded to The Wrocer by asking,"Do you want to know why I was going to frame you for breaking Garicrey's direct intervention policy?" The Wroce...