Carigan meets The Wrocer's Courgist
The Wrocer was keeping the Myerian's busy by using his Cruising Scanner to draw attention away from Carigan. Carigan Luvseth was nearly done and The Wrocer saw one of The Myerian's enter the building. Thinking quick The Wrocer used his Cruising Scanner, pointed it at a satellite then pressed the button located on his cruising Scanner's handle. He rushed The Myerian after using his Cruising Scanner to get the transmission ready for when Carigan is finished compiling it. Carigan Luvseth finished up putting together a slide show easily readable and full proof. The Wrocer put the Cruising Scanner back in his jacket pocket and ran to meet Carigan. Carigan Luvseth See's that The Myerian's are starting to break into the building. The Wrocer notices The Myerian's breaking in the building as well. Carigan worried shouted,"Wrocer!!!!!!" The Wrocer reaching her said," I can get us out of here. It's a new function I just came up with for my Cruising Sca...