
A name for the device

The Michaeler left Earth to The Myerian's. He sets his Courgist to make him a device for use in his mischief in the universe. Going to the control console in the center of his Courgist console room. He said,"Now to program a device for me to use in my scheming and so much more." He in put a sword and tricorder type design for his new handheld device. He turned on the Courgist monitor to watch the chaos as he waits for his Courgist to materialize the device in his right pants pocket. The Michaeler watched The Wrocer and Carigan figure everything out and them releasing everything, then said,"Well people were going to find out eventually. Ha, good luck getting people to believe it."  Then he saw The Wrocer and Carigan Luvseth on Myeria, and knew Brimon was his gift to The Wrocer. The Michaeler then after viewing all of that stuff, his Courgist materialized the new device in his right jean pants pocket. The Michaeler reached into his right jeans pocket and pulled ou...


The Michaeler after getting back from his trip to Myeria in his Courgist to Earth in 2004, March 8th. Then he sent the M.A. bridge code to The Myerian leader Ghansitric Fyeir. Ghansitric Fyeir in a speech said," Today our army's conquer the planet Earth. Our glorious new feeding ground awaits us!!!!!!" They all take their laser sword's, unsheathed them , and Ghansitric Fyeir lead the Charge to Earth.  The Wrocer and Carigan Luvseth going on a search for Cadence for the Truth about M.A. technology. An hour after The Wrocer and Carigan arrived on The planet Myeria. Carigan Luvseth looked around the palace of Ghansitric Fyeir for something that The Michaeler could have left behind that would link M.A. tech. The Wrocer used his Cruising Scanner to search for Cadence from The Michaeler, a thing that might suggest to The Wrocer he still has a little respect for the friendship they used to have. One servant assigned specifically to The Michaeler by Ghansitric Fyeir said,...

Carigan meets The Wrocer's Courgist

The Wrocer was keeping the Myerian's busy by using his Cruising Scanner to draw attention away from Carigan. Carigan Luvseth was nearly done and The Wrocer saw one of The Myerian's enter the building. Thinking quick The Wrocer used his Cruising Scanner, pointed it at a satellite then pressed the button located on his cruising Scanner's handle. He rushed The Myerian after using his Cruising Scanner to get the transmission ready for when Carigan is finished compiling it.  Carigan Luvseth finished up putting together a slide show easily readable and full proof. The Wrocer put the Cruising Scanner back in his jacket pocket and ran to meet Carigan.  Carigan Luvseth See's that The Myerian's are starting to break into the building. The Wrocer notices The Myerian's breaking in the building as well. Carigan worried shouted,"Wrocer!!!!!!" The Wrocer reaching her said," I can get us out of here. It's a new function I just came up with for my Cruising Sca...


Carigan asked The Wrocer," Can you tell me more about these folktales of your home world Garicrey?" The Wrocer said," On Garicrey we have more sophisticated folktales. Like the tale of The Mighty Principal, The Violist, and The Knightsar banishing the Nightmare Cascade rain virus. All folktales across the universe have some basis in fact. Garicreyan folktales even more so." Carigan said,"The Michaeler is putting the future of planet Earth in danger. So if you can use that Gizmo of yours to send all of this out to the public. I'll leak the truth about what M.A. Technology actually is and how it's possibly linked to The Myerian's coming to Earth. I could damage Michael Aaron's reputation and who and what he is." The Wrocer said," Carigan, that would open Up Earth for business and alert others I have stopped that Earth is ready for a higher form of conflict." Carigan said," Well Wrocer you'd better be there to stop them agai...

The Michaeler in League with The Myerian's

The Michaeler talking to a Myerian leader Ghansitric Fyeir about connecting the Myerian gate technology to his M.A. bridging technology. Ghansitric was humbled by The Michaeler's offer saying," I am flattered by you're offer Michaeler. Now can you insure us of this new hunting ground and new prey?" The Michaeler responded," Oh, Yes. Connect your gate technology to my bridging technology and the planet Earth is your's." He hands Ghansitric Fyeir the key code for the M.A. bridge technology and Then The Michaeler said," Make sure you pick the date 2004 on March 20th at Three o'clock sharp."  March 20th 2004 when Carigan meets The Wrocer in person. The Wrocer used his device to scan The Michaeler's technology after Carigan showed him The Michaeler's plans, So he had to break a hard truth to her. The Wrocer said after getting the results of his scan back," Carigan, I am so sorry, it was a nice idea. But The Michaeler lied to you....

The Invasions The Wrocer has Stopped

The Wrocer and Carigan Luvseth while the invasion was getting started, Carigan was walking The Wrocer through what 'Michael Aaron's' technology was, and what he's been doing. The Wrocer said," If I had known what I know now, I would have begged the high council to give The Michaeler a less harsher punishment." Carigan Luvseth asked," You knew him?" The Wrocer responded," Yeah, before he was forced to renew and exiled here." Carigan then asked The Wrocer," You mean that before The Michaeler looks like he does know. What was his punishment for exactly?" The Wrocer said,"My people have a strict Direct intervention policy, anyone breaks those rules they get punished by a forced renewal and exilation from Multitime Lord society on Garicrey." Carigan asked,"So Why did you directly intervene aren't you afraid that you will have the same punishment delt to you Wrocer?"  The Wrocer said,"Just so you can get the...

Invasion of the Myerian's

The Myerian's are a species of serial killers that have the appearance of a humanoid Dragon. They have laser sword's, and are Known to Study a planet to learn the best way to invade. The Planet Myeria had humanoid Bears that are subservient to them hunted down for sport, at least those who wouldn't bend their knee to their will. Hydrogan fruit field's, blue corn, and Weer meat, and Sky fish to feed on. Weer are a native animal that look like Wolf Deer hybrids that rom the forest's Of Myeria, and Sky fish are the native mammals that swim in the sky of Myeria.  The Michaeler traveled there in his Courgist to Myeria after his sentence was over to make a deal. The Wrocer has still not found a name for his device that he uses to help him out of tricky situations, unlock locked doors, hack into the most encrypted database, and to stop invasions. Carigan Luvseth walking down the street notices The Wrocer from what she has looked up for her Boss. Carigan grabs The Wrocer...